Question & Answer
This option is for general questions that animal lovers have that are relative to a healthy animal life and have relatively short answers that can be published in order of their receipt.
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Question: What are the latest facts about Lymes disease, the various tests and treatments available?
Answer: Lymes disease Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) first recognized in the United States in 1976 near Lymes, Connecticut where the spirochete was identified by Dr. Willy Burgdorfer. It is not a rare disease and it's not just tick borne, it can be transmitted by. fleas, mosquitoes and other bloodletting mites, gnats and bot flies.
It is transmitted from animal to animal and human to human and possibly through the colostrums and semen as well. A classical bull's eye rash is not a requirement. The disease spread by ticks may include other tick borne diseases as well.
The Lyme spirochete after only one week after infection could be protectively embedded in tendons, muscles, heart, kidney, brain and any other tissue. This is why early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics is crucial.
Testing should only be used to support a clinical diagnosis since testing is not always reliable and time is of an essence. The rapid identification (RIBb) test which is used to detect the organism is the most reliable as the other tests look for antibodies which are time consuming and may not be detected early enough and therefore may report a false negative.
The Lymes spirochete (Bb) is very elusive and can radically change form therefore lacking the consistent membrane information necessary for the immune system to recognize it and make antibodies against it.
Hallmark of Lymes disease is fever, fatigue, muscle and joint inflamation unrelieved by rest. The window of time for effective antibiotic treatment is short, therefore it's my opinion that antibiotic treatment should be started immediately for 30-60 days upon discovering a tick.
Alternative or complementary treatment methods are very effective and available for those that prefer not to use only antibiotic or are beyond the window where antibiotic treatment is not an effective cure. The longer the infection goes untreated the more damage is done to the body and the longer the recovery period will be. The body needs to be nourished so the body can begin to heal itself. It may take 3 months of doing everything right for every year the disease was not diagnosed and treated.
Treatments and preventions available
1. Antibiotics for 30-60 days if started early enough and promptly.
Ticks can be tested while treatment is underway. {Cutter tick test.com}
2. Homeopathic/Herbal treatments can be given simultaneously with antibiotics or individually with chronic Lymes disease diagnosed late.
A} Cats Claw {samento} A Peruvian herb {uncaria tomentosa}/cat's claw forte
{Standard Process}
B} Dr. Cowden protocol for Lymes disease treatment and support program.
C} Dr. David Jernigan's Lymes protocol for Lymes disease treatment and support program. {Jernigan Nutracenticals} www.jnutro.com 316-686-5900
D} Immune support therapy
3. Intravenous ozone therapy for chronic Lymes cases.
{Ozone, Vit C, Hydrogen Peroxide}
To locate a doctor www.oxygen healing therapies.com
4. Ultraviolet therapy
To locate a doctor www.oxygen healing therapies.com
5. Non-chemical prevention choices.
{prevention is better than treatment}
A} Buck Mountain Botanicals.com {parasite dust for animals}
Order via Muddogz.com
B} Amber dog collar.com
C} Barrier tag.com
D} 0 bug zone.com
E} Cedarcide {essential oils} 800-842-1464
Question: Over the years, I have experienced frequently in my dogs G.I. disturbances from constipation to diarrhea even with blood at times. I have been told they have a sensitive stomach and even special commercial diets were not the answer.
Follow up question: Is a nervous dog's personality diarrhea connected in any way?
Answer: this is a complex topic with many variables between individuals and a lot could be written to give general information about the topic keeping in mind that each case r:nust be looked at individually.
The gut and the brain are connected and are responsible for much of the health of one's dog. You can relate to the feeling you get in your gut when you suspect something good or bad is about to happen. Well, your dog has the same going on and that's why they can get anxious well before a storm on the way arrives if they are distressed by storms and loud noises. They may be off their food, have accidents in the house; with diarrhea or just normal stool accidents. It is believed that upwards of 80% of your dog's immune tissue resides in their gut. Therefore, a large percentage of gutbrain communication comes from your dog's gut. The gut messages to your dog's brain come from the gastro intestinal microbes. There are trillions of bacteria living in a healthy dog's gut. These healthy microbes affect your dog's metabolism and behavior. They digest their food, direct their immune system, protect their intestines from infections, remove environmental toxins that enter their body, protect from allergies and produce Band K vitamins, they have a profound effect on your dog's mood understanding that the gut produces upwards of 90% of your dog's serotonin, the happy hormone. Now you can see how and when there is a disturbance in the gastro intestinal microbes constipation, bowel incontinence in older dogs, diarrhea and poor appetite may appear medically referred to as a dysbiosis. Dysbiosis (microbial imbalance) evident by bad breath, upset stomach, nausea, lack of appetite and irregular bowel movements are key signs to watch for. Healthy gastro intestinal microbes are required to digest and extract nutrients from the diet for their own prevention and general good health of your dog. Of course commercial diets high in processed ingredients/treats, sugar and food taste enhancements are not what was intended for your dog (a carnivore) to eat. Keeping in mind that your dog's ancestor's ate an entire healthy animal deriving the benefits of all the animal parts to properly and efficiently acquire all the nutrients needed for good health and that as you can clearly see starts with the gastro intestinal system.
Man's poor breeding and feeding habits in some cases have over the years produced dogs that cannot digest easily the commercial or even the appropriate homemade diet and therefore individual modifications need to be instituted. For the majority of dogs the diet can be changed to a natural diet supplying prebiotics, laying down a healthy intestinal bed of nutrients for the probiotics to live on and therefore changing the dysbiosis gradually to a healthy gastro intestinal microbiome.
Allowed to go on unaddressed is a guarantee that a life of allergies, poor health, and ultimately poor longevity awaits your dog. Yes, a nervous dog will not digest as well and bowel motility can be increased as a result. One needs to work with a veterinarian to diagnose properly and resolve the problem. Diet restrictions would be the beginning to alleviate food allergies, a possible cause of the dybiosis a chronic G.I. imbalance and inflammation. Aloe Cure probiotic plus enzyme is a plant product that could possibly help with dysbiosis. Aloe Cure probiotic plus enzyme would be a choice 800-881-2374.
Question: Our beloved pets don't last long enough and end up dying from some organ system decline. Do you have any comments that might increase the life span of our pets?
Answer: This question has been on the hearts and in the minds of every pet owner. The basic answer involves genetic longevity, diet, toxic prevention measures such as heartworm prevention, tick prevention and vaccinations and captivity.
Preventive measures using heartworm and tick prevention chemicals and hard core vaccination programs are very toxic to the body, and lack of daily exposure to sunlight and exercise must be included as well.
Finally the diet which is probably the next most important. A healthy diet will assist in producing a healthy immune system which could assist in protecting your pet from infections, cancer and unnecessary rapid ageing. By strengthening your pet's immune system can be done through dietary change. Our pet's ancestors lived outside benefitting from sunlight, hunting for food and only ate food that they caught wild. This diet would include all the nutrients that they needed to reproduce, grow, regulate, repair and defend. They were vaccinated and immunized by daily exposure in their environment.
Now we must discuss what is happening at the chromosomal level to understand the real cause of our pet's organ failure leading to shorten longevity. Every cell in every organ functions independently and must be nourished to do so. When cells divide and new cell are produced the chromosomes must be protected from the loss of vital genetic information. The mechanism that protects the chromosomes is a cap like structure over the end of each chromosome called a telomere. The protective cap over the end of the chromosome gets shorter with each division and unless the telomeres are activated to replace the protective cap length on the chromosome that cell will eventually die. To summarize cells (chromosomes) with longer telomeres act like younger cells and cells with shorter telomeres act like old cells and therefore dogs with shorter telomeres would have decreased longevity do to some significant organ failure.
How can this process be reversed or slowed down? First one must understand the process of what activates the telomere caps to get longer. An enzyme called telomerase is the enzyme that activates and maintains the telomeres cap length. To complicate matters more the enzyme telomerase must be first activated by a gene called hTERT. This piece of DNA is also found in every cell. In summary when activated the gene hTERT triggers the production of telomerase which activates the rebuilding of the telomeres cap on the ends of every chromosome in every cell in the body, therefore improving immune power and extending the life and health of every cell in every organ in the body. There are many natural compounds that can positively increase telomere metabolism which would contribute to enhancing longevity.
To summarize:
• The immune system controls the ageing process.
• Telomeres controls the immune system.
• Telomeres length controls the health and longevity of the chromosomes.
• Chromosomes continued healthy replication in every cell and therefore controls longevity in every cell.
• Healthy cell in every organ control healthy organs.
• Healthy organs support longevity.
The immune system is involved with immunocompetence. A healthy strong and vibrant immune system must also defend your dog's body against harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer etc. The immune system is made up of white blood cells such as (B cells, T cells, killer cells, cytokines, leukocytes, phagocytes) all formed in the bone marrow with further assistance by gut bacteria and the thymus gland. Once again this system is weakened by aging deficiencies as discussed earlier such as poor diet, stress, air pollution, poor water, poor air, over vaccination programs, flea/tick prevention poison and chronic drug use.
Nutritional support must include:
1. Protein (beef, eggs, fish preferred grass fed) supplying essential and non essential amino acids which helps the body make interleukin-2 which helps direct the action of white blood cells.
2. Vitamins (whole food source) A, C, D3, E, K, B1-B12.
3. Omega 3 (DHA-EPA}
4. Minerals inclusive
5. Herbal additives that would also be helpful would include Astragalus, Anamu Cats Claw (Samento) etal.
A healthy natural diet supplies natural protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidents. Reinforcement for that specific purpose of general good health, immune support, telomere regenerative activity and longevity.
I recommend the following nutrients that could specifically enhance the telomeres life and consequently cellular and organ longevity.
1. Astragalus Root Extract - activates telomerase through the hTERT gene.
2. Ashwagandha - adaptogen
3. Alpha Ketoglutarate - regulates telomere stability
4. Arginine - plays critical role in telomere length
5. Acetyl-L-Carnitine - boost effective telomerase expression
6. N-Acetylcysteine - helps prevent telomere shortening.
7. Carnosine - reduce telomere shortening rate.
8. Silymarin (from milk thistle plant) - detox and activates the hTERT gene
Question: My dog has been diagnosed with Diabetes Meilitus and we cannot control the home test. One day they are up, one day they are down. Do you have any suggestions?
Answer: Let's start with a general basic understanding of Diabetes Meilitus. Blood sugar (glucose) is essential for the health of all cells in your dog's body. Every cell in every organ functions independently of each other and uses sugar (glucose) comes to create energy. Sugar (glucose) comes from your dog's diet as does all other nutrients that they need for a healthy cellular life of every energy cell in every organ.
When your dog eats a meal (hopefully it's natural and inclusive) your dog's blood sugar will rise from the meal. Your dog's pancras beta cells senses the rise in sugar (glucose) and activates the release of insulin. Insulin then carries the blood sugar to all the cells in your dog's body. Normally the cells open up and welcome the sugar (glucose) into every cell to be used as energy in every cell of every organ. If the pancreas is over worked it may not be able to to keep up with the demand from a high carb diet. If the cells are not receptive to the insulin delivery of sugar (glucose) the entry into the cells could be blocked and blood sugar levels would rise, this would be referred to as cell insulin resistance.
A metabolism master enzyme, activated protein Kimase (AMPK) controls when your dog's body should make, use and store energy. This means (AMPK) directs insulin to carry sugar (glucose) to your dog's cells and then directs the cells to absorb the sugar (glucose). A normal transfer of sugar (glucose) into a cell is called cell insulin sensitivity and the point of entrance into a cell is referred to as a insulin receptor. This process requires proper nourishment. An excellent source of supplimental nourishment for this process is Berberine extracted from Chinese gold thread, Oregon grape and barberry.
Should insulin resistance be a problem with your dog, your dog's sugar (glucose) readings will be elevated. The use of Berberine will activate (AMPK) which will encourage the insulin cell receptors to open and receive the blood sugar (glucose) into the cells. It also has the ability to lower the LDL cholesterol .
Cinnamomum Cassia retrieved from the bark of the Asian evergreen tree is believed to increase the bio availability and absorption of Berberine. Sugar is added to many pet products to enhance palability contributing to poor health.
Chromium is a powerful trace mineral which has a unique effect on your dog's cells in support of insulin effect on the cells, therefore adding the delivery of sugar (glucose) into the cells.
General rules to follow:
1. Your dog's diet should be a healthy, complete, natural diet. The amount of food each meal should be the same and the ingredients should not be rotated or changed.
2 The AM and PM testing which dictates the amount of insulin that is needed should be done at the same time each day.
3 Exercise should be the same time every day and the same amount.
4 Supplements listed earlier could aid in the efficiency and stability of your dog's blood sugar levels.
5 A supplement containing the (3) ingredients listed earlier can be purchased as Berberino Gluco 1-833-474-1096.
Note: 1. This supplement is designed for humans, but since it contains all natural ingredients, it could be considered by owner's having a difficulty in regulating the blood sugar of their dog, and of course, with the approval of their veterinarian.